Frequently asked questions about the booking process, pre-departure information, Kalkan town as well as in-resort issues. These answers touch on a variety of subjects from the average temperature in Kalkan, to who to contact for medical advice and more. Please read these answers before contacting our in-resort team as they may answer your questions.To contact the UK team please call 01449 770811 or email us at between 9.00-18.00 UK time.

These answers are here to help guests answer questions they may have whilst in resort. We aim to answer questions regarding issues with accommodation, emergency contact information, local amenities and more. If you require further information regarding your stay in Kalkan, please do not hesitate to contact the Turquoise Collection UK office team on 01449 770811 or via email at admin@theturquoise
These answers aim to help guests answer any questions they may have regarding Kalkan. From information about tours, car hire, transfers as well as general information about Kalkan. We understand that guests may have questions before they travel so please do not hesistate to contact us on 01449 770 811 or via email at to ask any questions you may have about your trip to Kalkan.

We understand that booking a holiday can be confusing, which is why we have created this list of frequently asked questions to help you understand our booking process. However, should you have any further questions please contact one of our UK team members on 01449 770811 or vial email at, and we will do our best to ensure your questions are answered.